Dit artikel publiceerde ik in 2019 toen ik nog bij ING werkte. Inmiddels werk ik vrij en zelfstandig in mijn bedrijf Holistic Banker.

Ask yourself this question: “Do I want to chase money, or would I like money to facilitate my own freedom?”

If you answered that you would like money to facilitate your own freedom, then it is time to stop turning to institutions that preach the money chase often with dual interests.

Financial advisors love Other People’s Money, so I’m going to show you how to approach an investment decision before you hand it over.

My line of business is BANKING. I’m going to give you a window into the mindset of your average banker that may have you question everything you think about the industry.

Who am I?

Well, this is me: I want your money, not once in a while, no, all day long! Everything I do at work is congruent with that purpose. All the sophisticated processes, marketing, and literally everything around me is designed to achieve the one single goal of obtaining YOUR MONEY. I will invest it, or I might even loose it on your behalf, and I will make you pay a fee regardless of loss.

So how do I do it?

I have been working in banking sales advisory positions for more than 18 years, and along the way I have become an expert at it. Debt or assets, it doesn’t matter, I take it all. Recently, I am being forced into selling insurance products and credit cards. Even now? Well, yes. Coronavirus shifted our focus a bit, I must admit, but it’s only a short matter of time until we will be asked to push our full product range.

How to you protect yourself from someone like me?

First and foremost, we are easy to recognize because we usually use titles like DSI, EHA, LHP, FFP, CFP, and CFA.

The second tip is that I am easy to detect! Advisors are trained in all the tricks and trades in sales. Those who want your money talk money, and if they don’t, then they are paving the way towards it. You have been conditioned so that the moment you step foot into a bank’s office or virtual meeting room, you talk money too!

The third and final tip is: Judge your financial advisor based on how you feel during and after the conversation. So often financial advisors are focused on product solutions and make their clients feel:

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Rather than:

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Regardless of whether you are a consumer or an advisor, most likely the ‘Empowered’ word group feels best and that’s how clients leave conversations that are not focused on their MONEY but their LIFE.

If you’ve felt any of the undesired feelings after meeting with your financial advisor then, I am so sorry for you! It is very likely that you have been exposed to a number of the following techniques: befriending, soothing, smalltalk, FOMO, FOPO, banning, social debt, fear, reasoning, merging, reciprocity, dependency, liking, and authority. Know that you are not alone and there’s nothing wrong with you.

Great news! I have learned and changed.

If you are looking for someone who can hold space for your complete personality and not just for your money, I am here for you. Shortly after, you will be able to articulate a vision. A vision that is uncompromised, compelling and congruent. 

I promise that I will be free from expectations and to listen to you. There will be no unnecessary financial products, yet a sound and hands-on financial planning* and investment strategy can be part of this process. But only after a thorough exploration of what really inspires you. This way the money follows you instead of …exactly, the other way around.

So, do you feel curious about a client experience that focuses on your LIFE and can leave you feeling all the positive emotions listed above, book an appointment with me by sending me a pm.

Do you happen to work with clients and do you feel curious about how to hold space for your clients and how you could possibly engage with them, then I happen to be a trainer for the Kinder Institute of Life Planning, too. Feel free to contact me to learn more about the training program.

Thank you for reading my thoughts and sharing them if you feel that’s the right thing to do.

* Disclaimer:

I work exclusively for ING, but this article is written by me on my personal note and does not reflect the opinion, a policy or product from ING.

My inspiration for writing this blog comes from George Kinder, the founder of the Kinder Institute of Life Planning.

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